Monday, July 9, 2007

Comic Relief

Today's theme--and hopefully I can keep them on my site this time--is missing deadlines. In some careers, missing a deadline can be a death sentence, but it happens to the best of us every once and a while, and apparently to the smartest of us. At least according to this recent column in the Washington Post.
"A local organization is eager to give out some scholarship money, but its members dozed on the deadline to be included in the publicity done by the national group. Having missed the cutoff, they were afraid no one would know about the $3,000 that's burning a hole in their pocket.
The group that missed the deadline: Mensa.
That's the organization for geniuses."

A word of warning: I am not, I repeat NOT including this to say that people who are geniuses have ADD or vice versa, or even that all people with ADD miss deadlines, just that the column made me laugh. Take a look at the headline: "Even Geniuses Miss Deadlines . . . And Frolic Nude" and tell me you're not smiling. I will pontificate on giftedness and ADD in a bit. But for now, a comic strip from Bill Amend, the writer of Foxtrot when he was nearing retirement from his daily strip: